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SWD-DASYLAB from $995
Data Acquisition Software for Windows

Dasylab Software

Module icons are placed on the screen and connected with wires in a schematic diagram, which represents the flow of data through the system. Each icon represents an input, operation or output function. The key features of DASYLab include a truly intuitive interface with context sensitive help, high acquisition and processing speed, support for a large number of data acquisition devices, and graphical display of acquired data. Real-time acquisition rates of up to 800KHz and on-line display of up to 75KHz can be achieved. The actual rates depend on the data acquisition board and other hardware used.

The Display
Results of acquisition and analysis can be displayed in strip charts, t-y graphs, and x-y graphs with a selectable system of coordinates. Linear, logarithmic, and polar coordinates are available. The results can also be displayed as bar graphs, analog and digital meters, and status lamps. The operator can interact with the displays while the system is running, changing the X, Y or time scales, selecting data channels to be displayed, or even looking back in time on the chart recorder. With DASYLab+, those changes to the displays can be done automatically based on system events.

Acquisition, Control, and Analysis Modules
The versatility of DASYLab lies in its rich set of function modules. These include analog input (ADC), analog output (DAC), triggers, digital I/Os, function generators, action operation, digital filters, spectral/FFT analysis, and mathematical, statistical and logical operations. Output modules allow for file writing, DDE output, and various types of displays, including strip charts, x-y graphs, digital and analog meters, and bar graphs. User definable icons include the ability to create a Black Box icon containing many icons, enhancing the usability for large worksheets. The module icons can be connected manually or, using the integrated Autorouter feature, wire paths will be determined automatically.

PID control, and binary logic control can be defined using the module icons. Pulse generators can be used for exact time dependent control, even with complex control signals.

Disk Streaming
Input data can be streamed to disk at rates up to 200KB. Portions of the data can be monitored during the disk streaming process.

DDE and RS-232 Support
Using the DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) interface, DASYLab can act as a server, transferring data on-line to other DDE-compatible Windows programs. Other programs such as Visual BASIC can control the DASYLab application by starting, pausing, and stopping the experiment.

Dasylab can read data from RS-232 devices including scales, balances and data recorders.

Other Features
Include arithmetic, exponential and logartihmic functions, trigonometry, interpolation, scaling, averaging, analysis, statistical, triggering, filtering, FFT's and much more. (some features are available with Dasylab-Plus only)

Hardware Supported
DAS-16, DAS-16G, DAS-1600, OMB-DAQBOOK family, WB-800/815, CIO-DAS08, CIO-DAS08-PG, CIO-DAS16/F, CIO-DAS16-JR, INET Series, OMB-TEMPBOOK66, DAQBOARD and OMD-5508 Series.

COPY [To Your Hard Drive] the DASYLAB demo now (Win3.xx)!

COPY [To Your Hard Drive] the DASYLAB demo now (Windows 95 or Windows NT)!

VIEW an Adobe Acrobat pdf file for more product info (requires Acrobat Reader).

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